Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Last day stay at malacca in 2009

Less than 2 hour more, i will going bck to my hometown enjoy my 4 week holiday liao, so wan take this oppurtinity to drop my last comment at 2009... haha~~

the first things go bck hometown is eat mummy de " tang yuan" haha~! older one more year liao lor~~~ then 2moro will go sg with my family find my sister there at wooldans to celebrates our chirstmas there..this is the 2yrs we celebrates at foreign country.. it was great and sure will be memorable for me in my life....

finally wan to sayto all my frenz enjoy u happy holiday and for thosew who stil hv remaing subect to seat.. gambahteh lor~~~ jyjyjyjy
see u all at 2010 yrs which next semester~~~BYE BYE